Siriella lingvura Ii 1964


節足動物門 甲殻亜門 軟甲綱 フクロエビ上目 アミ目 アミ科

ovigerous female BL 5.3mm
rocky shore, intertidal algal bed: Sargassum spp.
Banda, Tateyama, Chiba Japan
collected by Kazuyuki Yamada, 11 May 2009

Siriella lingvura Ii 1964 78-82 figs.17-18. Valbonesi Murano 1980 212-213 text-fig.1. Fukuoka Murano 1997 521 fig.2 C-E. Murano Fukuoka 2008 35-37.

Siriella lingvura マルオヨアミ 西村 1995 158 figs.21-102.

  静岡県賀茂郡長津呂(Ii 1964),田辺湾(Valbonesi Murano 1980), 西表島(Fukuoka Murano 1997),神津島,野母崎,種子島,西表島,阿嘉島, 石垣島(Murano Fukuoka 2008).
  和歌山県,長崎県,沖縄県(西村 1995).

01 August 2012

  1. Fukuoka, Kouki & Masaaki Murano 1997 Mysidacea from coastal waters of Iriomote Island, Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan, with descriptions of three new species. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 17(3): 520-537.
  2. Ii, Naoyoshi 1964 Fauna Japonica. Mysidae (Crustacea). Biogeographical Society of Japan. pp.610.
  3. Murano Fukuoka 2008 A systematic study of the genus Siriella (Crustacea: Mysida) from the Pacific and Indian Oceans, with descriptions of fifteen new species. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs, 36: 1-173.
  4. 西村 三郎(編) 1995 原色検索日本海岸動物図鑑, II. 保育社. pp.663.
  5. Valbonesi, Alessandro & Masaaki Murano 1980 Mysidae of shallow water in Tanabe Bay. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 25(1-4): 211-226.