Paranthura japonica Richardson 1909


ß‘«“®•¨–å bŠkˆŸ–å “îbj ƒtƒNƒƒGƒrã–Ú “™‹r–Ú ƒEƒIƒmƒGˆŸ–Ú ƒEƒ~ƒiƒiƒtƒV‰È

BL 6.4mm, male
associated with worm tubes Hydroides ezoensis, intertidal rocky shore
Hiraiso, Hitachi Naka, Ibaraki, Japan
collected by Kazuyuki Yamada, 25 May 2013

Paranthura japonica ƒ„ƒ}ƒgƒEƒ~ƒiƒiƒtƒV Nunomura 1975 28-30 figs.10-12, Nunomura 1977 86-87 fig.12, Nunomura 1981 44, Nunomura 1993 26, ¼‘º 1995 212 pl.81.10.

Paranthura japonica Nunomura 1985a 124, Nunomura 1985b 106, Nunomura 2006 16.

@ –kŠC“¹‚©‚ç‹ãBiNunomura 1981jC “ú–{Še’nC’ªŠÔ‘Ñ`’ª‰º‘ÑC΂̉ºCŠC‘”‚ÌŠÔC»’†i¼‘º 1995jD
@ –ÍŽ®ŽY’n‚Í“ú–{ŠC Petrov IslandC–ÍŽ®•W–{ USNM 86334iNunomura 1975jD

30 July 2013

  1. ¼‘º ŽO˜Yi•Òj 1995 Œ´FŒŸõ“ú–{ŠCŠÝ“®•¨}ŠÓ, II. •ÛˆçŽÐ. pp.663.
  2. Nunomura, Noboru 1975 Marine Isopoda from the rocky shore of Osaka Bay, middle Japan (I). Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History, 29: 15-35.
  3. Nunomura, Noboru 1977 Marine Isopoda from Amakusa, Kyushu (I). Publichation of the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, 4(2): 71-90.
  4. Nunomura, Noboru 1981 Isopod crustaceans from Sado Island in the Sea of Japan. Annual Report of the Sado Marine Biological Station Niigata University, 11: 43-62.
  5. Nunomura, Noboru 1985a Marine Isopod crustaceans in the coast of Toyama Bay. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, (18): 121-139.
  6. Nunomura, Noboru 1985b Marine tanaid and isopod crustaceans off Kagawa Prefecture, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Special Publication of the Mukaishima Marine Biological Station, 242: 101-112.
  7. Nunomura, Noboru 1993 Marine Isopod crustaceans of Seto Inland Sea deposited at the Toyama Science Museum 1. Suborder Anthuridea-1. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 16: 15-30.
  8. Nunomura, Noboru 2006 Marine Isopod crustaceans in the Sagami Sea, central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, (41): 7-42.