Koinostylochus takeshitai (Yeri & Kaburaki 1918)

扁形動物門 有棒状体綱 多岐腸目 ヒラムシ亜目 カリオプラナ科

BL 5.2mm
shallow water, rocky bottoms,
associated with asicidians, bryozoans, barnacles, etc.
Jogashima, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan
collected by Kazuyuki Yamada, 14 July 2005

Pseudostylochus takeshitai Yeri Kaburaki 1918 26-28 textfig.27-29 pl.2.11. Kato 1939 74-75 figs.13-14 pl.3.6, 148. Kato 1944 290. 西村 1992 188.

  三崎近傍の松輪,干潮線付近(Yeri Kaburaki 1918).

30 October 2015

  1. Kato, Kojiro 1939 Polyclads in Onagawa and vicinity. Science reports of the Tôhoku University, 14(1): 65-79.
  2. Kato, Kojiro 1939 Report of the biological survey of Mutsu Bay. 34. The Polyclada of Mutsu Bay. Science reports of the Tôhoku University, 14(2-3): 141-153.
  3. Kato, Kojiro 1944 Polycladida of Japan. J. Sigen. Ken., 1(3): 257-318.
  4. 西村 三郎(編) 1992 原色検索日本海岸動物図鑑, I. 保育社. pp.425.
  5. Yeri, Megumi & Tokio Kaburaki 1918 Description of some Japanese polyclad Turbellaria. Journal of the college of Science, Tokyo Imperial University, 39(9): 1-54 pls.2.