Phyllocomus sovjeticus (Annenkova 1937)

環形動物門 多毛綱 定在亜綱 溝副触手下綱 フサゴカイ目 カザリゴカイ科

日本近海産種リスト: 環形動物門 カザリゴカイ科

BL 15mm
Sendai Bay, July 2005

Schistocomus sovjeticus Annenkova 1937. Holthe 1986 104. Okuda 1947 321-329 figs.1-2. Imajima 1994 120.

  ピョートル大帝湾(Holthe 1986),厚岸(Okuda 1947Imajima 1994).

27 October 2008, modified 09 November 2017

  1. Holthe, Torleif 1986 Evolution, systematics, and distribution of the Polychaeta Terebellomorpha, with a catalogue of the taxa and a bibliography. Gunneria, 55: 1-236.
  2. Imajima, Minoru 1994 Polychaetous annelids of Akkeshi Bay, Hokkaido. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 27: 105-126.
  3. Okuda, Shiro 1947 On an ampharetid worm, Schistocomus sovjeticus Annenkova, with some notes on its larval development. Journal of the Faculty of Science Hokkaido Imperial University, 9(3): 321-329.