Sowerby 1903501 [not Diplodonta (Felaniella) minor Dall 1900, see
Scott 1994].
木村ら 200460 table 1.
Sato 2006132.
Sato et al. 2007270-271 table 2.
Yu et al. 2011426 table 1, 429 fig.6.
Lutaenko 201464.
Noseworthy Choi 201467.
波部 1977135.
Scott 199474 pl.7B.
Valentich-Scott 2003277 pl.6D.
九州西岸〜和歌山県,潮間帯,細砂泥(波部 1977
千葉県小櫃川,長崎県千里ヶ浜(木村ら 2004
台湾,香港 off Cape d'Aguilar 33m,シルト(Scott 1994
,Valentich-Scott 2003
韓国各地の干潟や浅海域(Sato 2006
,Sato et al. 2007
Yu et al. 2011
,Noseworthy Choi 2014
韓国 Ulsan Bay 34m 砂泥底から遺殻2個体(Lutaenko 2014
模式産地は平戸(Sowerby 1903
,Scott 1994
),ホロタイプ BMNH 1903-12-7.4 は遺失,
香港産標本は SBMNH 141719(Scott 1994
),または14719(Valentich-Scott 2003
九州産標本は京都大学博物館 2127,ラベルに「Felania minor Sowerby ウメノハナガヒモドキ」,
デトライタス食者の可能性(Noseworthy Choi 2014
属移動の根拠を明示していない(Scott 1994
,Valentich-Scott 2003
Felania Recluz 1851 は西アフリカ産,
Felaniella Dall 1899 はウソシジミ属,殻表に光沢のある殻皮,
Diplodonta Bronn 1831 はフタバシラガイ属,殻皮は褐色,
2主歯はやや長く1つは2分,筋痕は卵形で長く伸びない(波部 1977
東大茅根研の学生実習では1995-1996年に”オキシジミ稚貝?”, 1997-1999年には”フタバシラガイ科”として記録, 2000年以降は山田の説明不足で”ウメノハナガイ”とラベルされたものも混在. 小櫃川河口干潟潮間帯中部に最大3000個体/m2程度出現.
波部 忠重 1977日本産軟体動物分類学 二枚貝綱/掘足綱. 北隆館. pp.372.
木村 妙子,岩崎 敬二,大越 健嗣,小菅 丈治 2004博物館・水族館の収蔵標本から見た日本の海洋移入ベントスの現状(2003年収蔵目録調査から). 日本ベントス学会誌, 59: 58-67.
Lutaenko, Konstantin 2014Bivalve molluskc in Ulsan Bay (Korea). Korean Journal of Malacology, 30(1): 55-77.
Noseworthy, Ronald G. & Kwang-Sik Choi 2014Mollusks associated with the encrusting coral Alveopora japonica Eguchi, 1968 (Poritidae). Mollusks of the Eastern Asia and adjacent Seas. 66-68.
Sato, Shin'ichi 2006Drastic change of bivalves and gastropods caused by the huge reclamation projects in Japan and Korea. Plankton and Benthos Research, 1(3): 123-137.
Sato, Shin'ichi, Hiroyoshi Yamashita, Kyungwon Kim & Masatoshi Matsuo 2007Human impacts on coastal communities: a case study of benthic faunal changes after dike construction in Saemangeum, South Korea. The Quaternary Research, 46(3): 265-574.
Scott, Paul H. 1994Bivalve molluscs from the southeastern waters of Hong Kong. 55-100. B. Morton (ed.) The Malacofauna of Hong Kong and South China Sea III. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong and South China Sea, Hong Kong, 13 April - 1 May 1992. Hong Kong University Press. pp.xxii + 528.
Sowerby, G.B.III 1903Descriptions of fourteen new species of marine Mollusca from Japan. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 12: 496-501.
Valentich-Scott, Paul 2003A taxonomic, distributional and bibliographic checklist of Hong Kong marine bivalve molluscs and research published on them from 1971-2000. 259-310. B. Morton (ed.) Perspectives on Marine Environment Change in Hong Kong and Southern China, 1977-2001. Hong Kong University Press. pp.689.
Yu, Ok Hwan, Sang-Gyu Paik, Hyung-Gon Lee & Jae-Hac Lee 2011Spatiotemporal distribution of macrobenthic communities in the coastal area of Uljin and its relation to environmental variables. Ocean and Polar Research, 33(4): 421-434.