

環形動物門 多毛綱 定在亜綱 頭節下綱 ホコサキゴカイ科

日本近海産種リスト: 環形動物門 ホコサキゴカイ科

anterior end, dorsal view
intertidal zone, sandy-muddy bottoms
Obitsu River Mouth Flat, Kisarazu, Chiba, Japan
collected by Kayane Lab. with Kazuyuki Yamada

Haploscoloplos kerguelensis not McIntosh 1885 Okuda 1938 98 fig.14. Okuda 1939.

cf. Haploscoloplos kerguelensis (McIntosh 1885) Day 1967 547 fig.23.4.a-d. Day 1977 223. Mackie 1987 3-4 fig.2.

Haploscoloplos elongatus not Johnson 1901 Imajima Hartman 1964 274. Horikoshi 1970. Hayashi 1983. Imajima 1994.

Haploscoloplos elongatus ナガホコムシ 岡田ら 1965 514 fig.88.

Leitoscoloplos pugettensis ナガホコムシ 西村 1992 346. 海をつくる会 1995 250.

Leitoscoloplos pugettensis not Pettibone 1957 Imajima 1997 188. Imajima 2006.

cf. Leitoscoloplos pugettensis (Pettibone 1957) Mackie 1987 8-9 fig.8. Blake 1996 8-10 fig.1.2.

  九州,伊豆,宮城(Okuda 1938Okuda 1939). 本州北部〜九州,浅海砂泥地(岡田ら 1965).

  Haploscoloplos kerguelensis の模式産地は南インド洋ケルゲレン諸島(Day 1967). 日本およびベトナムからの L. pugettensis の記録は疑わしい(Mackie 1987).

27 October 2008; last modified 28 May 2016

  1. Blake, James A., Brigitte Hilbig & Paul H. Scott 1996 Taxonomic Atlas of the benthic fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and the western Santa Barbara channel, Volume 6, The Annelida Part 3, Polychaeta: Orbinidae to Cossuridae. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. pp.416.
  2. Day, J.H. 1967 A monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. (2 volumes) Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). pp.878.
  3. Day, J.H. 1977 A review of the Australian and New Zealand Orbiniidae (Annelida: Polychaeta). 217-243. Donald J. Reish & Kristian Fauchald (eds.) Essays on Polychaetous Annelids in Memory of Dr. Olga Hartman. Allan Hancock Foundation. pp.604.
  4. Fauchald, Kristian 1977 The Polychaete Worms, Definitions and Keys to the Orders, Families and Genera. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Country, Science Series 28. pp.188.
  5. Hayashi, Isao 1983 Distribution of macrobenthic animals on the flat bottom in Obama Bay. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish., 49(12): 1765-1775.
  6. Horikoshi, Masuoki 1970 Quantitative studies on the smaller macrobenthos inhabiting various topographical environments around the Sagami Bank in the deep-sea system of Sagami Bay. Jour. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 26(3): 37-60.
  7. Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964 The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan (2 volumes). Allan Hancock Foundation Publications. pp.452.
  8. Imajima, Minoru 1994 Polychaetous annelids of Akkeshi Bay, Hokkaido. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 27: 105-126.
  9. Imajima, Minoru 1997 Polychaetous annelids of Suruga Bay, Central Japan. National Science Museum Monographs, (12): 149-228.
  10. Mackie, Andrew S.Y. 1987 A review of species currently assigned to the genus Leitoscoloplos Day, 1977 (Polychaeta: Orbiniidae), with descriptions of species newly referred to Scoloplos Blainville, 1828. Sarsia, 72: 1-28.
  11. 西村 三郎(編) 1992 原色検索日本海岸動物図鑑, I. 保育社. pp.425.
  12. 岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965 新日本動物図鑑 (3 volumes). 北隆館.
  13. Okuda, Shiro 1938 Polychaetous annelids from the vicinity of the Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology. Japanese Journal of Zoology, 8(1): 75-105.
  14. Okuda, Shiro 1939 Annelida Polychaeta in Onagawa Bay and its vicinity. II. Polychaeta Errantia with some addenda of Polychaeta Sedentaria. Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 4th series, Biology, 14(2/3): 219-244.
  15. 海をつくる会 1995 横浜・野島の海と生きものたち. 八月書館. pp.266.