Chrysopetalum occidentale Johnson 1897


環形動物門 多毛綱 遊在亜綱 サシバゴカイ目 タンザクゴカイ科

日本近海産種リスト: 環形動物門 タンザクゴカイ科

BL 2.6mm, BW 0.6mm
intertidal, algal bed
Okitsu Beach, Katsu-ura, Chiba, Japan
collected by Kazuyuki Yamada, 15 May 2010

Chrysopetalum occidentale Imajima Hartman 1964 47-48 pl.9a-g. Hartman 1968 185-186 figs.1-5. 今島 林 1969. Imajima Gamo 1970 4 figs.8-9. Smith Carlton 1975; 1989 173-177 pl.30-86. Fauchald 1977 10. Imajima 1997 152. Imajima 2003 5-6. Imajima 2006 323. Watson Russell in Beesley et al. 2000 121-125. Jimi et al. 2018 1-4.

Chrysopetalum occidentale タンザクゴカイ 岡田ら 1965 497 fig.20. 三浦ら 1984. 布村ら 2009 99-106.

  尻岸内浅海域〜40m,尻屋崎水深150m(Imajima Hartman 1964), 尻岸内,余市,干潮線〜40m,南カリフォルニア,メキシコ西岸,北極海(岡田ら 1965), 油壺(今島 林 1969),真鶴(Imajima Gamo 1970), 鍋田湾,伊豆下田(三浦ら 1984),駿河湾 150-250m(Imajima 1997), 相模湾 11-370m(Imajima 2003),富山湾(布村ら 2009)呉(Jimi et al. 2018).
  カリフォルニア,メキシコ,岩礁海岸潮間帯(Hartman 1968), Gorgona Island,パナマ(Fauchald 1977).
  模式産地は California(Beesley et al. 2000).

01 June 2010, modified 18 July 2018

  1. Beesley, Pamela L., Graham J. B. Ross & Christopher J. Glasby 2000 Polychaetes & Allies, The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia, vol. 4. Csiro Publishing. pp. 465.
  2. Fauchald, Kristian 1977 Polychaetes from intertidal areas in Panama, with a review of previous shallow-water records. Smithsonian Institution Press, City of Washington. pp.81.
  3. Hartman, Olga 1968 Atlas of the errantiate polychaetous annelids from California. Alan Hancock Foundation. University of Southern California Press. pp.828.
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  9. Imajima, Minoru 2006 Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
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  14. Smith, Ralph I. & James T. Carlton (ed.) 1975; 1989 Light's Manual, Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast, 3rd ed. 4th pr. University of California Press. pp. 721.