Prosthiostomum siphunculus (Delle Chiaje 1822)

扁形動物門 有棒状体綱 多岐腸目 ミノヒラムシ亜目 ホソヒラムシ科

intertidal algal bed by Palisada intermedia (Yamada) K.W.Nam 2007
river mouth rocky shore, Okitsu Beach, Katsuura, Chiba, Japan
collected by Kazuyuki Yamada, 09 May 2013

Prosthiostomum siphunculus Yeri Kaburaki 1918 41 pl.2.13. Kato 1937 230.

  三崎,"Matsuwa",白浜の潮間帯(Yeri Kaburaki 1918).

30 May 2013

  1. Kato, Kojiro 1937a Polyclads collected in Idu, Japan. Jap. Journ. Zool., 7(2): 211-232.
  2. Yeri, Megumi & Tokio Kaburaki 1918 Description of some Japanese polyclad Turbellaria. Journal of the college of Science, Tokyo Imperial University, 39(9): 1-54, pls.2.