Holotelson tuberculatus Richardson 1909


節足動物門 甲殻亜門 軟甲綱 フクロエビ上目 等脚目 コツブムシ亜目 コツブムシ科

BL 3.2mm, male
associated with segmented coralline algae
Corallina pilulifera Postels & Ruprecht 1840
concrete slope, intertidal zone
Koshimoda, Toi, Shizuoka, Japan
collected by Kazuyuki Yamada, 27 May 2013

Holotelson tuberculatus Nunomura 1981 134-135. Nunomura 1985a 111. Nunomura 1985b 134-135.

Holotelson tuberculatus チビウミセミ 西村 1995 226 fig.21.202.P. Nunomura 1999 21. Nunomura 2006 39. Nunomura 2008 38.

  北海道から九州,中国,潮間帯〜亜潮間帯,海藻の間や石の下(西村 1995).

30 July 2013

  1. 西村 三郎(編) 1995 原色検索日本海岸動物図鑑, II. 保育社. pp.663.
  2. Nunomura, Noboru 1985a Marine tanaid and isopod crustaceans off Kagawa Prefecture, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Special Publication of the Mukaishima Marine Biological Station, 242: 101-112.
  3. Nunomura, Noboru 1985b Marine Isopod crustaceans in the coast of Toyama Bay. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, (18): 121-139.
  4. Nunomura, Noboru 1999 Sea shore isopod crustacceans collected from Izu Islands, middle Japan. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 22: 7-38.
  5. Nunomura, Noboru 2006 Marine Isopod crustaceans in the Sagami Sea, central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, (41): 7-42.
  6. Nunomura, Noboru 2008 Marine Isopod crustaceans collected from Shijiki Bay, western Japan (1). Valvifera, Cymothoida, Sphaeromatidea, Limnoriidea and Oniscidea. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 31: 13-43.