Chloeia Lamarck 1818
- Chloeia flava (Pallas 1766)
- Chloeia flava
McIntosh 1885. Moore 1903. Monro 1924.
Izuka 1912
223-225 pls. 2.4, 22.3-5.
Fauvel 1936
Okuda 1938
Takahasi 1938
204 pl.20.D.
Imajima Hartman 1964
Imajima 1970
Imajima 2001
Imajima 2003
Imajima 2006
- Chloeia flava ウミケムシ
岡田ら 1965
498 fig.22.
西村 1992
337 pl.67.2.
- Chloeia fusca McIntosh 1885
- Chloeia fusca
Takahasi 1938
202-204 textfig.8.a-d.
Imajima Hartman 1964
Imajima 2001
Imajima 2003
- Chloeia fusca フタスジウミケムシ
岩瀬ら 1990
35 fig.
西村 1992
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Deep-sea benthic polychaetous annelids of Tosa Bay, southwestern Japan.
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Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan.
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Polychaetous annelids from the vicinity of the Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology.
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Polychaetous annelid of Izu Peninsula. I, Polychaeta,
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