Paraninoe Levenstein 1977

環形動物門 多毛綱 遊在亜綱 イソメ目 ギボシイソメ科

  1. Paraninoe hartmanae Levenstein 1977
  2. Paraninoe hartmanae
    Levenstein 1977 190-193 figs.1-2.
  3. Paraninoe simpla (Moore 1905) see Cenogenus abyssalis (Imajima & Higuchi 1975)
  4. Lumbrineris simplex?
    Horikoshi 1970.
    Paraninoe simpla
    Levenstein 1977 191.
    Paraninoe simpla シンカイギボシイソメ
    今島 2001 359 fig.160.

  1. Horikoshi, Masuoki 1970 Quantitative studies on the smaller macrobenthos inhabiting various topographical environments around the Sagami Bank in the deep-sea system of Sagami Bay. Jour. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 26(3): 37-60.
  2. 今島 実 2001 環形動物 多毛類 II. 株式会社生物研究社. pp.542.
  3. Levenstein, R.Ya. 1977 A new genus and species of Polychaeta (Family Lumbrineridae) from the deep-water trenches of the North Pacific. Donald J. Reish & Kristian Fauchald (eds.) Essays on Polychaetous Annelids in Memory of Dr. Olga Hartman. Allan Hancock Foundation, 189-198.