Aphrodita Linnaeus 1758
- Aphrodita aculeata Linnaeus 1758
- Aphrodita aculeata
Takahasi 1938
195-196 text-fig.1,
Imajima Hartman 1964
Imajima 2003
6-10 figs.3-5,
Imajima 2006
- Aphrodita aculeata イバラコガネウロコムシ
今島 2007
8-9 fig.1.
- Aphrodita aphroditoides (McIntosh 1885)
- Laetmonice aphroditoides
McIntosh 1885
- Laetmatonice aphroditoides
Izuka 1912
78-80 pl.9 figs.11-13.
- Aphrodita aphroditoides
Imajima Hartman 1964
- Aphrodita australis Baird 1865
- Aphrodita australis
Moore 1903,
Izuka 1912
75-76 pl.9.4-6,
Okuda 1938
Takahasi 1938
196-198 text-fig.2 pl.20.A,
Imajima Hartman 1964
飯塚ら 1965
- Aphrodita australis コガネウロコムシ
内田 1992
- Aphrodita daiyumaruae Imajima 2005
- Aphrodita daiyumaruae
Imajima 2005
- Aphrodita daiyumaruae ダイユウコガネウロコムシ
今島 2007
10-12 fig.2.
- Aphrodita goolmarris Hutchings & McRae 1993
- Aphrodita goolmarris
Imajima 2003
13-14 figs.6-7.
- Aphrodita goolmarris クリゲコガネウロコムシ
今島 2007
14-15 fig.3.
- Aphrodita japonica Marenzeller 1879
- Aphrodita japonica
Marenzeller 1879
111 pl.1.2,
Moore 1903,
Izuka 1912
74-75 pl.9.1-3.
Imajima Hartman 1964
13-14 pl.1.a-f,
Imajima 1970
Imajima 2003
14-17 figs.8-9,
Imajima 2006
- Aphrodita japonica ニホンコガネウロコムシ
今島 in 飯塚ら 1965
493 fig.1,
今島 1966
今島 in 飯塚ら 1979
190 fig.636,
今島 1988
内田 1992
330 pl.65.4,
今島 2007
15-16 fig.4.
- Aphrodita macroculata Imajima 2001
- Aphrodita macroculata
Imajima 2001
34-38 figs.2-4.
- Aphrodita macroculata デメコガネウロコムシ
今島 2007
17-18 fig.5.
- Aphrodita negligens Moore 1905
- Aphrodita negligens
Moore 1905,
Imajima Hartman 1964
Imajima 2003
17-20 figs.10-11,
Imajima 2006
- Aphrodita negligens
今島 2007
19-20 fig.6.
- Aphrodita nipponensis Imajima 2003
- Aphrodita nipponensis
Imajima 2003
20-23 figs.12-13,
Imajima 2006
- Aphrodita nipponensis トゲコガネウロコムシ
今島 2007
21-22 fig.7.
- Aphrodita sibogae (Horst 1916)
- Aphrodita sibogae
Imajima 1997
152-153 fig.2,
Imajima 2001
Imajima 2003
Imajima 2006
- Aphrodita sibogae ジボガコガネウロコムシ
今島 2007
23-24 fig.8.
- Aphrodita talpa Quatrefages 1865
- Aphrodita talpa
Imajima 1964
237-238 figs.1-6.
- Aphrodita talpa タルパコガネウロコムシ
今島 2007
25-26 fig.9.
- Aphrodita tosaensis Imajima 2001
- Aphrodita tosaensis
Imajima 2001
38-42 figs.5-6.
- Aphrodita tosaensis トサコガネウロコムシ
今島 2007
27-28 fig.10.
- Aphrodita watasei Izuka 1912
- Aphrodita watasei
Izuka 1912
77-78 pls.1.5, 9.16,
Imajima Hartman 1964
Imajima, Minoru 1964
Benthic polychaetes collected by the second cruise of the Japanese expedition of deep seas (JEDS-2).
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, 7(3): 235-254.
Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964
The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan. (2 volumes)
Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, 26. University of Southern California Press. pp.452.
今島 実 1966
多毛環虫類(ゴカイ類)について. 南紀生物, 8(2): 41-46.
Imajima, Minoru 1970
Errant polychaetous annelids collected from the areas around the Tsushima Islands.
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 3: 113-122.
今島 実 1988
石狩湾の多毛環虫類. 国立科学博物館専報, (21): 124-129.
Imajima, Minoru 1997
Polychaetous annelids of Suruga Bay, Central Japan.
National Science Museum Monographs, 12: 149-228.
Imajima, Minoru 2001
Deep-sea benthic polychaetous annelids of Tosa Bay, southwestern Japan.
National Science Museum Monographs, 20: 31-100.
Imajima, Minoru 2003
Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea collected by the Emperor Showa of Japan
and deposited at the Showa Memorial Institute, National Science Museum, Tokyo (II).
National Science Museum Monographs, 23: 1-221.
Imajima, Minoru 2005
Deep-seabenthic polychaetous annelids from around Nansei Islands.
National Science Museum Monographs, 29: 37-99.
Imajima, Minoru 2006
Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan.
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
今島 実 2007
環形動物 多毛類 III. 株式会社生物研究社. pp.499.
Izuka, Akira 1912
The errantiate polychaeta of Japan.
Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, 30(2): 1-262 pls.24.
飯塚 啓, 今島 実, 上野 俊一, 内田 亨, 内海 冨士夫, 奥田 四郎, 北森 良之助, 山田 真弓 ほか 1965
環形動物 ANNELIDA. 489-532.
岡田 要, 内田清之助 & 内田 亨(監修), 新日本動物図鑑(上), 北隆館. pp.679.
飯塚 啓, 今島 実, 内田 亨, 内田 紘臣, 奥田 四郎, 山田 真弓 ほか 1979
環形動物 ANNELIDA. 489-532.
内田 亨(監修), 新編日本動物図鑑, 北隆館. pp.793.
Marenzeller, Emil V. 1879
Südjapanische anneliden. I.
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math. Naturwiss. Kl., 41(2): 109-154 pls.1-6.
Okuda, Shiro 1938
Polychaetous annelids from the vicinity of the Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology.
Japanese Journal of Zoology, 8(1): 75-105.
Takahasi, Keizo 1938
Polychaetous annelid of Izu Peninsula.
I, Polychaeta, collected by the "Misago" during the Zoological Survey around the Izu Peninsula.
Scientific Reports, Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Sect. B, 3: 192-220.
内田 紘臣 1992
環形動物門 ANNELIDA. 310-373. in
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