Elisesione Salazar-Vallejo 2016

Hesionella Wesenberg-Lund 1950, preoccupied Hesionella Hartman 1939
Wesenbergia Hartman 1955, preoccupied Wesenbergia Kryger 1943 (Hymenoptera)
環形動物門 多毛綱 遊在亜綱 サシバゴカイ目 ゴカイ亜目 オトヒメゴカイ科

  1. Elisesione problematica (Wesenberg-Lund 1950)
  2. Hesionella problematica
    Wesenberg-Lund 1950
    Wesenbergia problematica
    Pleijel 1998 163, type locality south-west Iceland, holotype ZMUC. Imajima 2003 138-140 fig.81, Sagami Bay 150-320m.
    Wesenbergia problematica ノウメンオトヒメゴカイ
    今島 2007 450 fig.143, 相模湾 150-320m, アイスランド 555m.
    Elisesione problematica
    Salazar-Vallejo 2016 5 "differs from the nominal form in several features (Imajima 2003)".

  1. Imajima, Minoru 2003 Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea collected by the Emperor Showa of Japan and deposited at the Showa Memorial Institute, National Science Museum, Tokyo (II). National Science Museum Monographs, (23): 1-221.
  2. 今島 実 2007 環形動物 多毛類 III. 株式会社生物研究社. pp.499.
  3. Pleijel, Fredrik 1998 Phylogeny and classification of Hesionidae (Polychaeta). Zoologica Scripta, 27(2): 89-163.
  4. Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I. 2016 Elisesione, a new name for Wesenbergia Hartman, 1955, and the description of a new species (Annelida, Hesionidae). ZooKeys, 632: 1-12.