Hesionides Friedrich 1937
- Hesionides arenaria Friedrich 1937
- Hesionides arenaria arenaria
山西 1983
伊藤 1984
- Hesionides arenaria arenaria スナオトヒメゴカイ
Yamanishi 1984
323-325 fig.1, Kobama (Kyoto), intertidal zone, sandy beach.
- Hesionides arenaria スナオトヒメゴカイ
Uchida 2004
80-82 fig.20, Ishikari Beach, Hokkaido.
- Hesionides incisa Yamanishi 1984
- Hesionides incisa シリキレスナオトヒメ
Yamanishi 1984
329-330 fig.5, Shibushi, Uchinoura (Kagoshima), intertidal zone, sandy beach.
- Hesionides indooceanica Westheide & Rao 1977
- Hesionides indooceanica ハラブトスナオトヒメ
Yamanishi 1984
325-326 fig.2, Iriomote Isl, intertidal zone, sandy beach.
- Hesionides minima serrata Yamanishi 1984
- Hesionides minima serrata チビスナオトヒメ
Yamanishi 1984
328-329 fig.4, Shibushi, Tosa-Shimizu, Hiwasa (Tokushima), intertidal zone, sandy beach.
- Hesionides unilamellata japonica Yamanishi 1984
- Hesionides unilamellata japonica ウチワスナオトヒメ
Yamanishi 1984
326-327 fig.3, Seto-Shirahama, intertidal zone, sandy beach.
伊藤 立則 1984
Benthos Research, 26: 1-14.
Uchida, Hiro'omi 2004
Hesionidae (Annelida, Polichaeta) from Japan. I.
Kuroshio Biosphere, 1: 27-92
山西 良平 1983
Benthos Research, 24: 41-48.
Yamanishi, Ryohei 1984
Interstitial polychaetes of Japan III.
Six species of Microphthalminae (Hesionidae) including a new species and three new subspecies.
Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 29(4/6): 323-332.