Hesiospina Imajima & Hartman 1964
- Hesiospina aurantiaca (M. Sars 1862)
- Kefersteinia similis
Hessle 1925, Misaki 450m.
- Hesiospina similis
Imajima Hartman 1964
80-81 pl.15.a-f, Shirikishinai 150m.
Imajima 1970
Tsushima Isl.
Imajima 1997
171, Suruga Bay 210-220m.
西 花岡 山西 1998
Pleijel 1998
159, type locality Japan, type material UUZM.
Imajima 2003
134-136 fig.79, Sagami Bay 16-58m.
Imajima 2006
Sagami Bay.
- Hesiospina aurantiaca
Pleijel 2004
2550-2559 figs.1-5,
Norway, Sweden, Faeroes, Iceland, France, Italy, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Loyalty Islands,
Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Japan: Sagami Bay 44-450m, Tanabe Bay 5m, Kamaishi Bay
[described only the latitude & longitude] 51-70m.
- Hesiospina similis カギオトヒメゴカイ
今島 2007
440 fig.135, 尻矢崎~奄美大島, 父島, 16-590m.
Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964
The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan (2 volumes).
Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, 26. University of Southern California Press. pp.452.
Imajima, Minoru 1970
Errant polychaetous annelids collected from the areas around the Tsushima Islands.
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 3: 113-122.
Imajima, Minoru 1997
Polychaetous annelids of Suruga Bay, Central Japan.
National Science Museum Monographs, (12): 149-228.
Imajima, Minoru 2003
Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea collected by the Emperor Showa of Japan
and deposited at the Showa Memorial Institute, National Science Museum, Tokyo (II).
National Science Museum Monographs, (23): 1-221.
Imajima, Minoru 2006
Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan.
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
今島 実 2007
環形動物 多毛類 III. 株式会社生物研究社. pp.499.
西 潔, 花岡 皆子 & 山西 良平 1998
1993年および1996年に大阪湾で実施したマクロベントス調査の結果. 自然史研究, 2(14): 195-206.
Pleijel, Fredrik 1998
Phylogeny and classification of Hesionidae (Polychaeta).
Zoologica Scripta, 27(2): 89-163.
Pleijel, Fredrik 2004
Revision of Hesiospina (Psamathini, Hesionidae, Polychaeta).
Journal of Natural History, 38: 2547-2566.