Pholoides Pruvot 1895
- Pholoides dorsipapillatus (Marenzeller 1893)
- Pholoides dorsipapillatus
Imajima 2001
44-47 figs.7-8.
Imajima 2003
46-48 fig.26.
Imajima 2006
- Pholoides dorsipapillatus フサヒメウロコムシ
今島 2007
197-198 fig.58.
Imajima, Minoru 2001
Deep-sea benthic polychaetous annelids of Tosa Bay, southwestern Japan.
National Science Museum Monographs, (20): 31-100.
Imajima, Minoru 2003
Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea collected by the Emperor Showa
of Japan and deposited at the Showa Memorial Institute, National Science Museum, Tokyo (II).
National Science Museum Monographs, (23): 1-221.
Imajima, Minoru 2006
Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan.
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
今島 実 2007
環形動物 多毛類 III. 株式会社生物研究社. pp.499.