Pisione Grube 1857
- Pisione africana Day 1963
- Pisione africana
Yamanishi 1998
87-91 figs.2-3.
- Pisione brevicirra platycauda Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione brevicirra platycauda
Yamanishi 1998
94-97 fig.5.
- Pisione bulbifera Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione bulbifera
Yamanishi 1998
106-110 figs.10-11.
- Pisione crassa Yamanishi 1976
- Pisione crassa スナゴカイ
Yamanishi 1976
372-376 figs.1-2.
- Pisione crassa
山西 1983
- Pisione gopalai vannifera Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione gopalai vannifera
Yamanishi 1998
97-101 figs.6-7.
- Pisione longipalpa Uschakov 1956
- Pisione longipalpa
Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione mista Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione mista
Yamanishi 1998
110-113 figs.12-13.
- Pisione papillata Yamanishi 1976
- Pisione papillata チビスナゴカイ
Yamanishi 1976
376-379 fig.3.
- Pisione papillata
山西 1983
- Pisione papuensis brevis Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione papuensis brevis
Yamanishi 1998
102-106 figs.8-9.
- Pisione parva De Wilde & Govaere 1995
- Pisione parva
Yamanishi 1998
92-94 fig.4.
- Pisione paucisetosa Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione paucisetosa
Yamanishi 1998
114-118 figs.14-15.
- Pisione subulata Yamanishi 1992
- Pisione subulata
Yamanishi 1992
1-10 figs.1-3 pl.1.
- Pisione umbraculifera Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione umbraculifera
Yamanishi 1998
118-121 fig.16.
- Pisione vestigialis Yamanishi 1998
- Pisione vestigialis
Yamanishi 1998
121-127 figs.17-20.
Yamanishi, Ryohei 1976
Interstitial polychaetes of Japan I. A Three new pisionid worms from western Japan.
Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 23(3/5): 371-385.
山西 良平 1983
Benthos Research, 24: 41-48.
Yamanishi, Ryohei 1992
A new species of Pisione (Polychaeta: Pisionidae) from Shijiki Bay,
Nagasaki Prefecture, western Japan.
Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History, (46): 1-10.
Yamanishi, Ryohei 1998
Ten species of Pisione (Annelida: Polychaeta: Pisionidae) from Japan
and evolutionary trends in the genus based on comparison of male copulatory apparatus.
Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 38(3-4): 83-145.