Branchiomma Kölliker 1858

環形動物門 多毛綱 定在亜綱 溝副触手下綱 ケヤリ目 ケヤリ科

  1. Branchiomma cingulatum (Grube 1870)
  2. Laonome japonica
    Marenzeller 1884, Nagasaki. [see ?Sabellastarte japonica sensu Imajima & Hartman 1964]
    Dasychone japonica
    McIntosh 1885, off Kobe 50 fms, Moore & Bush 1904, Japan.
    Paralaonome japonica
    Bush 1904, Japan.
    Branchiomma cingulatum
    Johansson 1927, Misaki 0-600m, Okinoshima, Goto Islands. Imajima Hartman 1964 355. 今島 林 1969 東京湾. Knight-Jones 1994 192. Imajima 1997 213-214, Suruga Bay 82-100m. Imajima 2001 93, Tosa Bay. Imajima 2006 Sagami Bay.
    Dasychone cingulata
    Fauvel 1936 85, Tanabe Bay 6 fms. Okuda 1939 242 textfig.14, Onagawa Bay.
    Branchiomma cingulatum ムラクモケヤリ
    岡田ら 1965 529 fig.146, 女川湾, 三崎, 田辺湾, 沖ノ島. Honma 1968 25-45, off Niigata. 本間 1968 87-101, 新潟港. Honma Kitami 1978 7-81, Sado. 内田 1979, 204 fig.693. 内海ら 1983 315 pl.86. 岩瀬ら 1990 198 fig, 沖縄. 西村 1992 365 pl.70.3.
    Branchiomma cf. cingulatum
    Jimi et al. 2018 1-4.
  3. Branchiomma picta (McIntosh 1885)
  4. Dasychone picta
    McIntosh 1885, off Kobe 50 fms. Knight-Jones 1994 197, "possible to Pseudobrachiomma".
    Branchiomma picta
    Imajima Hartman 1964 356, lack branchial eyes.
  5. Branchiomma serratibranchis (Grube 1878)
  6. Dasychone serratibranchis
    Fauvel 1936 84, Tanabe Bay 15m.
    Branchiomma serratibranchis
    Imajima Hartman 1964 356.
    Sabella (Dasychone) serratibranchis
    Knight-Jones 1994 197.

  1. Fauvel, Pierre, 1936 Annélides polychaètes du Japon. Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University, Ser. B, 7(1): 41-92.
  2. Honma, Yoshiharu 1968 A preliminary list of some marine animals from the seashore of Niigata City, faced on the Japan Sea. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ., (5): 25-45.
  3. 本間 義治 1968 新潟市の海岸動物. 新潟県生物教育研究会誌. (4): 87-100.
  4. Honma, Yoshiharu & Takehiko Kitami 1978 Fauna and Flora in the waters adjacent to the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University. Annual Report of the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University, 8: 7-81.
  5. Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964 The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan (2 volumes). Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, 26. University of Southern California Press. pp.452.
  6. 今島 実 & 林 和子 1969 付着生物中にみられる多毛類の季節的消長. 動物分類学会誌, 5: 2-15.
  7. Imajima, Minoru 1997 Polychaetous annelids of Suruga Bay, Central Japan. National Science Museum Monographs, (12): 149-228.
  8. Imajima, Minoru 2001 Deep-sea benthic polychaetous annelids of Tosa Bay, southwestern Japan. National Science Museum Monographs, (20): 31-100.
  9. Imajima, Minoru 2006 Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
  10. 岩瀬 文人, 野村 恵一, 福田 照雄, 御前 洋 & 内田 紘臣 1990 沖縄海中生物図鑑. 新星図鑑シリーズ 11. サザンプレス. pp.272.
  11. Jimi, Naoto, Noriko Yasuoka & Hiroshi Kajihara 2018 Polychaetes collected from floats of oyster-farming rafts in Kure, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, with notes on the pest species Polydora hoplura (Annelida: Spionida). Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hum. Hist., 16: 1-4.
  12. Knight-Jones, Phyllis 1994 Two new species of Branchiomma (Sabellidae) with redescriptions of closely related species and comments on Pseudobranchiomma and Sabellastarte. J.C. Dauvin, L. Laubier & D.J. Reish (eds.), Actes de la 4ème Conférence internationale des Polychètes. Mém. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., 162: 191-198.
  13. 西村 三郎(編) 1992 原色検索日本海岸動物図鑑, I. 保育社. pp.425.
  14. 岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965 新日本動物図鑑 [3 volumes]. 北隆館.
  15. Okuda, Shiro, 1939 Annelida Polychaeta in Onagawa Bay and its vicinity. II. Polychaeta Errantia with some addenda of Polychaeta Sedentaria. Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 4th series, Biology, 14(2/3): 219-244.
  16. 奥谷 喬司 & 楚山 勇 1994 サンゴ礁の生物. 山渓フィールドブック, 9. 山と渓谷社. pp.320.
  17. Uchida, Hiro’omi 1968 Polychaetous annelids from Shakotan (Hokkaido). I. The collection in 1967. Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. ser. VI, Zoology, 16(4): 595-612.
  18. 内田 亨 1979 新編日本動物図鑑. 北隆館. pp.793.
  19. 内海 冨士夫 1983, 1990 学研生物図鑑 水生動物. 学研. pp.340.