Chone Krøyer 1856
- Chone infundibuliformis Krøyer 1856
- Chone teres
Okuda 1934
236-239 figs.3-4, Akkeshi, Muroran,
Imajima Hartman 1964
Uchida 1968
609-610, Shakotan Peninsula,
今島 1988
Imajima 2006
Sagami Bay.
- Chone infundibuliformis
Imajima 1961
98-100 textfigs.13-14, western coast Kamchatka,
今島 1988
Giangrande 1992
518-519 figs.1-2.
- Chone teres コウキケヤリ
岡田ら 1965
529 fig.147, 厚岸, 室蘭, 尻岸内, アラスカ,
海をつくる会 1995
251, 横浜市野島海岸.
- Chone infundibuliformis ハイカラムシ
奥谷 1994
- Chone mollis (Bush in Moore 1904)
- Chone mollis クビワケヤリ
西村 1992
365 pl.70.2.
- unidentified [possible
Dialychone Claparède 1870,
Paradialychone Tovar-Hernández 2008, and so on]
- Chone sp./spp.
Hayashi 1983
Obama Bay,
堀越 1990
290, 中内湾性,
横山ら 1996
加藤ら 2003
Imajima 2006
Sagami Bay.
- Chone コウキケヤリ類
堀越 1990
287, 301.
- Chone sp. A, B クビワケヤリ属の1種
西 工藤 2003
57-69, 小田和湾.
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The genus Chone (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) in the Mediterranean Sea
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Distribution of macrobenthic animals on the flat bottom in Obama Bay.
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Notes on species found in the collection of 1957-58.
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Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan.
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三浦半島小田和湾の海草藻場における多毛類相. 神水研研報, (8): 57-69.
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Some tubicolous annelids from Hokkaido.
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