Neodexiospira Pillai 1970
Dexiospira Caullery & Mesnil 1897
- Neodexiospira alveolata (Zachs 1933)
- Spirorbis alveolatus
Zachs 1933
- Spirorbis (Dexiospira) nipponicus
Okuda 1934
242-244 figs.8-11,
Okuda 1937
67-68, Onagawa Bay.
- Dexiospira alveolatus
Imajima Hartman 1964
- Dexiospira alveolatus キタウズマキゴカイ
岡田ら 1965
532 fig.159, 厚岸, 室蘭, 日本海北西沿岸.
- Dexiospira nipponica
Uchida 1971
194-199 figs.1-2, Oshoro, on Sargassum confusum,
Uchida 1978
今島 1979
12-13 figs.16,
今島 1988
- Janua (Dexiospira) nipponica
Knight-Jones et al. 1979
- Neodexiospira alveolatus キタウズマキゴカイ
加藤 伊藤 下村 2003
- Neodexiospira brasiliensis (Grube 1872)
- Spirorbis bellulus
Bush in Moore & Bush 1904, Suruga Bay 63-75 fms.
- Dexiospira bellulus
Imajima Hartman 1964
- Dexiospira oshoroensis
Uchida 1971
634-638 figs.3-4, Oshoro, middle tidal zone, on Sargassum thunbergii.
- Pillaiospira oshoroensis
Uchida 1978
- Dexiospira brasiliensis
今島 1979
12-13 figs.15,
今島 1986
67 figs.3.14.f-h,
今島 1988
布村ら 2009
99-106, 富山市浜黒崎ほか, 富山湾.
- Janua (Dexiospira) brasiliensis
Knight-Jones et al. 1979
- Neodexiospira foraminosa (Bush in Moore & Bush 1904)
- Spirorbis foraminosa
Bush in Moore & Bush 1904, off Japan 34 fms,
Okuda 1938
104, Susaki, Izu Peninsula,
Okuda Yamada 1954
198, Matsushima Bay.
- Dexiospira foraminosa
Imajima Hartman 1964
今島 1979
12 figs.14.
- Dexiospira foraminosa ウズマキゴカイ
岡田ら 1965
532 fig.157, 東北以南,
今島 林 1969
Honma Kitami 1978
7-81, Sado,
内田 1979
206 fig.701,
内海ら 1983
205, pl. 86,
付着生物研究会 1986
67 figs.3.14.a-e,
岩瀬ら 1990
137, fig, 沖縄,
西村 1992
371, pl. 72.1,
奥谷 楚山 1994
104 fig.2. [mistake chart number, corrected in the second edition],
武田 1997
113, fig.
- Dexiospira foraminosus ウズマキゴカイ
今島 1973
- Spirorbis (Dexiospira) foraminosa
Day 1967
797 fig.38.2.c-g.
- Neodexiospira foraminosa ウズマキゴカイ
西 工藤 2005
神水研 実験水槽内.
- Neodexiospira pseudocorrugata (Bush 1905)
- Dexiospira ainu
Uchida 1971
639-646 figs.5-6, Muroran, middle tidal zone, rocky shores.
- Pillaiospira ainu
Uchida 1978
- Neodexiospira steueri (Sterzinger 1909)
- Janua steueri
Nishi 1993
17-20, Okinawa.
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A monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. (2 volumes)
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Fauna and Flora in the waters adjacent to the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University.
Annual Report of the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University, 8: 7-81.
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付着生物中にみられる多毛類の季節的消長. 動物分類学会誌, 5: 2-15.
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石狩湾の多毛環虫類. 国立科学博物館専報, (21): 124-129.
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利尻島潮間帯の多毛類. 利尻研究, 22: 41-47.
Knight-Jones, Phyllis, E.W. Knight-Jones & R. Phillips Dales 1979
Spirorbidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria) from Alaska to Panama.
The Zoological Society of London, 189: 419-458.
Nishi, Eijiroh 1993
On the internal structure of calcified tube walls in Serpulidae and Spirorbidae (Annelida, Polychaeta).
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神奈川県水産総合研究所内の海草藻場造成試験水槽に出現した環形動物多毛類. 神水研研報, (10): 55-57.
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Some tubicolous annelids from Hokkaido.
Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. 6, Zool., 3(4): 233-246.
Okuda, Shiro 1937
Annelida Polychaetain Onagawa Bay and its vicinity. I. Polychaeta Sedentaria.
Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 4th series, Biology, 12(1): 45-69.
Okuda, Shiro 1938
Polychaetous annelids from the vicinity of the Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology.
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Okuda, Shiro & Mayumi Yamada 1954
Polychaetous annelids from Matsushima Bay.
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