Pileolaria Claparède 1868
- Pileolaria aurita Rzhavsky & Nishi 2011
- Pileolaria aurita
Rzhavsky Nishi 2011
70-76 fig.1, off Iwa, Manazuru 20-22m.
- Pileolaria berkeleyana (Rioja 1942)
- Laeospira rosepigmentata
Uchida 1971
212-218 figs.9-10, Oshoro, Muroran Akkeshi, lower tidal zone, rocky shores.
- Pileolaria rosepigmentata
Uchida 1978
今島 1979
12-13 figs.17.a-i,
Knight-Jones et al. 1979
- Pileolaria rosepigmentata クチベニウズマキゴカイ
奥谷 楚山 1994
104 fig.3.
- ? girdis
- Pileolaria girdis
Nishi 1993
17-20, Okinawa.
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Spirorbidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria) from Alaska to Panama.
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On the internal structure of calcified tube walls in Serpulidae and Spirorbidae (Annelida, Polychaeta).
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海辺の生物. 山渓フィールドブック, 8. 山と渓谷社. pp.368.
Rzhavsky, Alexander V. & Eijiroh Nishi 2011
A new species, Pileolaria aurita (Polychaeta: Spirorbidae), from Japan.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 124(2): 70–76.
Uchida, Hiro’omi 1971
Spirorbinae (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) from Hokkaido I.
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Serpulid tube worms (Polychaeta, Sedentaria) from Japan with the systematic review of the group.
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