Potamilla Malmgren 1866
- Potamilla ehlersi Gravier 1906
- Pseudopotamilla ehlersi ƒNƒ}ƒfƒPƒ„ƒŠ
¼‘º 1992
366 pl.70.12,
ˆÉ“¡ 2001
212 fig., ‘å£è.
- Potamilla neglecta (Sars 1851)
- Potamilla acuminata
Moore & Bush 1904, Sagami Bay 153 fms,
Imajima Hartman 1964
Uchida 1968
607-608 fig.10, Shakotan,
Imajima 2006
Sagami Bay.
- Potamilla neglecta
Imajima 1961
98 textfig.12,
Knight-Jones 1983
249-251, type locality: Hammerfest and Tromso 80m, holotype: ZMHUB 6796.
- Perkinsiana acuminata
Knight-Jones 1983
281-282, type locality: Sagami Bay 280m, holotype: USNM 5500.
- Potamilla paulina (Grube 1868)
- Potamilla paulina
Johansson 1927, Misaki 100m,
Imajima Hartman 1964
- Potamilla symbiotica Uschakov 1950
- Potamilla symbiotica
- Potamilla torelli (Malmgren 1866)
- Potamilla Torelli
Marenzeller 1884, Enoshima.
- Potamilla torelli
Imajima Hartman 1964
Knight-Jones 1983
251-253 fig.2, type locality: Iceland,
Rouse Pleijel 2001
194 fig.49.1.a.
Imajima, Minoru 1961
Polychaetous annelids collected off the west coast Kamchatka. I.
Notes on species found in the collection of 1957-58.
Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 9(1): 81-102.
Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964
The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan (2 volumes).
Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, 26. University of Southern California Press. pp.452.
Imajima, Minoru 2006
Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan.
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
ˆÉ“¡ Ÿ•q 2001
ˆÉ“¤‚ÌŠC ŠC’†‘å}ŠÓ. ƒf[ƒ^ƒnƒEƒX. pp.376.
Knight-Jones, Phyllis 1983
Contributions to the taxonomy of Sabellidae (Polychaeta).
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 79: 245-295.
¼‘º ŽO˜Yi•Òj 1992
Œ´FŒŸõ“ú–{ŠCŠÝ“®•¨}ŠÓ, I. •ÛˆçŽÐ. pp.425.
Rouse, Greg W. & Fredrik Pleijel 2001
Polychaetes. Oxford University Press. pp.354.
Uchida, Hirofomi 1968
Polychaetous annelids from Shakotan (Hokkaido). I. The collection in 1967.
Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. ser. VI, Zoology, 16(4): 595-612.