Sabella Linnaeus 1767

see Parasabella Bush 1905
環形動物門 多毛綱 定在亜綱 溝副触手下綱 ケヤリ目 ケヤリ科

  1. Sabella fusca Grube 1870
  2. Sabella fusca ホンケヤリムシ
    see Bispira porifera ヒメホンケヤリムシ
  3. Sabella spirobranchia Zachs 1933
  4. Sabella spirobranchia
  5. unidentified
  6. Sabella sp.
    Imajima 2006 Sagami Bay. Jimi et al. 2018 1-4.
    Photo by Kazuyuki Yamada, Jogashima, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan

  1. Imajima, Minoru 2006 Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
  2. Jimi, Naoto, Noriko Yasuoka & Hiroshi Kajihara 2018 Polychaetes collected from floats of oyster-farming rafts in Kure, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, with notes on the pest species Polydora hoplura (Annelida: Spionida). Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hum. Hist., 16: 1-4.