Serpula Linnaeus 1758
Protoserpula Uchida 1978
Semiserpula Imajima 1979
- Serpula columbiana Johnson 1901
- Serpula columbiana ロウトヒトエカンザシ [see Serpula uschakovi]
奥谷 楚山 1994
102 fig.6.
- Serpula columbiana
Kupriyanova 1999
24-27 figs.1-4, Puget Sound, Washington, Oregon, California, British Columbia and Aleutian Islands,
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
94 fig.46, Puget Sound, North-West coast of Americans.
- Serpula granulosa Marenzeller 1885
- Serpula granulosa
"Marenzeller 1884", Enoshima, Kagoshima, 10-30 fms,
Imajima Hartman 1964
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
94, Kagoshima and Enoshima, Japan, Indo-West Pacific.
- Serpula hartmanae Reish 1968
- Serpula concharum
Imajima 1982
38-39 fig.1, Palau, Yap [not Langerhans 1880 by Imajima & Hove 1984
- Serpula hartmanae
Imajima Hove 1984
36-38 fig.1, type locality Bikini, Reish coll.,
Imajima Hove 1986
Solomons, Gilbert,
Imajima 1987
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
94, Bikini, Indo-West Pacific.
- Serpula hartmanae ハルトマンカンザシゴカイ
今島 1996
297 fig.235.
- Serpula japonica Imajima 1979
- Serpula japonica
Imajima 1979
163-165 fig.3, type locality Shionomisaki 73-75m,
今島 1979
8-9 fig.7,
今島 1984
今島 1986
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
94, Honshu, Japan. questionably Seychelles.
- Serpula japonica トグロカンザシゴカイ
今島 1996
298 fig.236.
- Serpula longituba (Imajima 1979)
- Semiserpula longituba
Imajima 1979
165-167 fig.4, type locality Kushimoto harbour 30-40m.
- Semiserpula longituba ホソナガカンザシゴカイ
今島 1996
303 fig.241.
- Serpula longituba
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
94, Honshu, Japan.
- Serpula oshimae Imajima & ten Hove 1984
- Serpula cf. kaempferi
Imajima 1978
50-52 fig.2, O-shima, Niijima,
Imajima 1979
162, Shionomisaki,
今島 1979
8-9 fig.7.b-c,
Imajima 1982
40, Palau.
- Serpula oshimae
Imajima Hove 1984
40-41, Truk, Ponape, Majuro,
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
- Serpula oshimae オオシマカンザシゴカイ
今島 1996
301 fig.239.
- Serpula pacifica (Uchida 1978)
- Protoserpula pacificum
Uchida 1978
23-24 pl.6, Sabiura,
付着生物研究会 1986
- Serpula pacifica
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
- Serpula tetratropia Imajima & ten Hove 1984
- Serpula tetratropia カドバリカンザシゴカイ
Photo by Kazuyuki Yamada, Jogashima, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan
- Serpula uschakovi Kupriyanova 1999
- Serpula uschakovi
Kupriyanova 1999
27-31 figs.2-4, Northern Sea of Japan, Moneron Island and Sakhalin Island,
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
95 Gilderbrandt Island, Sea of Japan. Moneron, Sakhalin.
- Serpula uschakovi ロウトヒトエカンザシ [see Serpula columbiana]
西 立川 2002
21-22 fig.3, 松島湾 潮間帯.
- Serpula vermicularis Linnaeus 1767
- Serpula vermicularis
Okuda 1940
22, Kakihana,
Imajima Hartman 1964
Uchida 1968
610, Shakotan,
今島 林 1969
Imajima 1976
Imajima 1977
92, Chichi-jima 52m,
Uchida 1978
Imajima 1979
162, Shionomisaki,
今島 1979
8-9 fig.7.a,
Imajima 1982
今島 1984
Imajima Hove 1984
Truk, Ponape, Majuro,
Imajima Hove 1986
Solomons, Guadalcanal,
今島 1986
Imajima 1987
今島 1988
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
95 Western Europe, "probably restricted to this area, not worldwide as reported".
- Serpula vermicularis ヒトエカンザシ
岡田ら 1965
530 fig.151, 本邦一円, 世界普通種,
内海ら 1971
52 pl.19.1,
内海ら 1983
291 pl.86,
玉井 森本 1990
西村 1992
368 pl.71.3,
奥谷 楚山 1994
102 figs.3-4,
伊藤 2001
208 fig., 八幡野.
- Serpula vermicularis ヒトエカンザシゴカイ
Honma Kitami 1978
7-81, Sado,
内田 1979
205 fig.696,
今島 1996
302 fig.240.
- Serpula jukesii ヒトエカンザシ
西 立川 2002
22 fig.3, 天草 5m.
- Serpula vittata Augener 1914
- Serpula palauense
Imajima 1982
40-42 fig.2, type locality Arumizu Bay, Palau.
- Serpula vittata
今島 1979
8-9 fig.7.h-i [? Serpula tetratropia],
Imajima Hove 1984
41-42, western Australia, Palau,
今島 1986
Imajima Hove 1986
Imajima 1987
Nishi 1993
17-20, Okinawa,
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
95 Sharks Bay, Australia. Indo-West Pacific.
- Serpula vittata アカボシヒトエカンザシ
岩瀬ら 1990
143 fig., 沖縄.
- Serpula vittata アサガオカンザシゴカイ
今島 1996
296 fig.234.
- Serpula watsoni Willey 1905
- Serpula watsoni
Imajima 1977
91-92 fig.2.a-j, Chichi-jima,
今島 1979
8-9 fig.7.f-g,
Imajima 1982
40, Palau,
Imajima 1987
Imajima Hove 1984
38-39 fig.2, Truk, Ponape, Majuro,
Imajima Hove 1986
Hove Kupriyanova 2009
95 Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. Indo-West Pacific.
- Serpula watsoni ナガバナヒトエカンザシ
岩瀬ら 1990
143 fig., 沖縄.
- Serpula watsoni ワトソンカンザシゴカイ
今島 1996
300 fig.238.
- unidentified
- Serpula sp.
Imajima 2006
Sagami Bay.
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今島 実 1988
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今島 実 1996
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