Metasychis Light 1991
- Metasychis gotoi (Izuka 1902)
- Maldane gotoi
Izuka 1902, Sagami Bay 80fms.
- Maldane coronata
Moore 1903, Sagami Bay 94-190 fms.
- Asychis gotoi
Okuda 1938
100, Susaki, Izu Peninsula,
Okuda 1939
239, Onagawa Bay,
Imajima Hartman 1964
Horikoshi 1970
Sagami Bay,
Imajima Shiraki 1982
75-77 fig.36, Hokkaido, Otsuchi Bay, Kamaishi Bay, Sagami Bay,
Suruga Bay, Korea Strait, Ariake Sea, Kagoshima Bay.
- Asychis gotoi ゴトウタケフシゴカイ
岡田ら 1965
524 fig.126, 女川湾, 相模湾, アドリア海, アンダマン海,
内田 1979
202 fig.684,
今島 1985
424-423 figs.61.j-s,
今島 1996
284 fig.229.
- Asychis shaccotanus
Uchida 1968
603-604 fig.7, Shakotan.
- Metasychis gotoi
Imajima 1997
204-205, Suruga Bay,
Imajima 2001
86, Tosa Bay,
Imajima 2006
Sagami Bay.
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Quantitative studies on the smaller macrobenthos inhabiting various topographical environments
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Bulletin of the National Science Museum, ser. A, 8(1): 7-46, 47-88.
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Polychaetous annelids of Suruga Bay, Central Japan.
National Science Museum Monographs, (12): 149-228.
Imajima, Minoru 2001
Deep-sea benthic polychaetous annelids of Tosa Bay, southwestern Japan.
National Science Museum Monographs, (20): 31-100.
Imajima, Minoru 2006
Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan.
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
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Polychaetous annelids from the vicinity of the Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology.
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Annelida Polychaeta in Onagawa Bay and its vicinity.
II. Polychaeta Errantia with some addenda of Polychaeta Sedentaria.
Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 4th series, Biology, 14(2/3): 219-244.
内田 亨 1979
新編日本動物図鑑. 北隆館. pp.793.
Uchida, Hiro’omi 1968
Polychaetous annelids from Shakotan (Hokkaido). I. The collection in 1967.
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