Polyophthalmus Quatrefages 1850

環形動物門 多毛綱 定在亜綱 頭節下綱 オフェリアゴカイ科

  1. Polyophthalmus pictus (Dujardin 1839)
  2. Polyophthalmus pictus カスリオフェリア
    Photo by Kazuyuki Yamada, collected material at around the "Ryokan Do", Izumozaki, Niigata, Japan
  3. Polyophthalmus qingdaoensis Purschke Ding & Müller 1995
  4. Polyophthalmus qingdaoensis
    Purschke Ding Müller 1995, Yellow Sea. Choi et al. 2015 101-103 fig.3.

  1. Choi, Hyun Ki, Tae Won Jung & Seong Myeong Yoon 2015 New record of two opheliid polychaetes (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Korea. Korean Journal of Environmental Biology, 33(2): 98-104.