Spiochaetopterus Sars 1853
- Spiochaetopterus costarum (Claparède 1870)
- Telepsavus costarum
Okuda 1938
Imajima Hartman 1964
- Telepsavus costarum アシビキツバサゴカイ
岡田ら 1965
519 fig.107,
今島 1972
- Spiochaetopterus costarum
Imajima 1997
辻野ら 2000
51 table 1.
- Spiochaetopterus costarum アシビキツバサゴカイ
西村 1992
- Spiochaetopterus costarum costarum
Nishi Arai 1996
56-59 figs.1,5,
Nishi Bhaud 2000
- アシビキツバサゴカイ
菊池 2006
- Spiochaetopterus costarum okudai (Gitay 1969)
- Spiochaetopterus okudai
Nishi Miura Bhaud 1999.
- Spiochaetopterus costarum okudai
Nishi Bhaud 2000.
- Spiochaetopterus cf. okudai アシビキツバサゴカイ
西 工藤 2003
西 工藤 2005
- Spiochaetopterus iheyaensis Nishi 2008
- Spiochaetopterus iheyaensis
Nishi 2008
- Spiochaetopterus izuensis Nishi Bhaud & Koh 2004
- Spiochaetopterus izuensis
Nishi Bhaud Koh 2004
- Spiochaetopterus koreana Bhaud Koh & Hong 2002
- Spiochaetopterus koreana
Nishi Bhaud Koh 2004
462 table 1, Yellow Sea.
- Spiochaetopterus manazuruensis Nishi 2003
- Spiochaetopterus manazuruensis
Nishi 2003
1-6 figs.1-3.
- Spiochaetopterus okinawaensis Nishi & Bhaud 2000
- Spiochaetopterus okinawaensis
Nishi Bhaud 2000
16-21 figs.1-3.
- Spiochaetopterus sagamiensis Nishi Miura & Bhaud 1999
- Spiochaetopterus sagamiensis
Nishi Miura Bhaud 1999
210-215 figs.1-2.
- Spiochaetopterus sanbanzensis Nishi Bhaud & Koh 2004
- Spiochaetopterus sanbanzensis
Nishi Bhaud Koh 2004
- Spiochaetopterus sesokoensis Nishi & Bhaud 2000
- Spiochaetopterus sesokoensis
Nishi Bhaud 2000
21-25 fig.4.
- Spiochaetopterus typicus Sars 1856
- Spiochaetopterus typicus?
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A new species of Spiochaetopterus (Chaetopteridae: Polychaeta) from the Iheya Seamount
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