Boccardia Carazzi 1895
- Boccardia perata (Chlebovitsch 1959)
- Neoboccardia perata
Radashevsky 1993
7-11 figs.4-5.
- Boccardia perata
Sato-Okoshi 2000
- Boccardia polybranchia (Haswell 1885)
- Polydora (Boccardia) polybranchia
Okuda 1937
- Polydora polybranchia
Qian Chia 1997
502-511 figs.1-3.
- Boccardia polybranchia
Imajima Hartman 1964
- Boccardia proboscidea Hartman 1940
- Boccardia proboscidea トキワスピオ
Photo by Kazuyuki Yamada, collected material at Iwa, Manazuru, Kanagawa, Japan
- Boccardia redeki sensu Okuda 1937, not Horst 1920
- Polydora (Boccardia) redeki
Okuda 1937
240-241 figs.18-19.
- Boccardia redeki
Imajima Hartman 1964
Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964
The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan. (2 volumes)
Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, 26. University of Southern California Press. pp.452.
岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965
新日本動物図鑑 [3 volumes]. 北隆館.
Okuda, Shiro 1937
Spioniform polychaetes from Japan.
Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser.6, Zool., 5(3): 217-254.
Qian, Pei-Yuan & Fu-Shiang Chia 1997
Structure of feeding palps and feeding behaveior of the spionid polychaete Polydora polybranchia.
Bulletin of Marine Science, 60(2): 502-511.
Radashevsky, Vasily I. 1993
Revision of the genus Polydora and related genera from the North West Pacific (Polychaeta: Spionidae).
Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab., 36(1/2): 1-60.
Sato-Okoshi, Waka 2000
Polydorid species (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in Japan, with descriptions of morphology,
ecology and burrow structure. 2. Non-boring species.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80: 443-456.