Parascolelepis Maciolek 1987
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) geniculata Imajima 1992
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) geniculata
Imajima 1992
26-30 figs.18-19.
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) geniculata コシオリマクスピオ
今島 1996
243 fig.194.
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) papillosa (Okuda 1937)
- Nerinides papillosus
Okuda 1937
219-221 figs.1-2.
- Scolelepis papillosus
Blake 1983
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) texana Foster 1971 emend Maciolek 1987
- Scolelepis (Scolelepis) texana
Foster 1971
63-64 figs.132-142.
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) texana
Imajima 1992
30-33 figs.20-21
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) texana チギレマクスピオ
今島 1996
244 fig.195.
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) yamaguchii (Imajima 1959)
- Nerinides yamaguchii
Imajima 1959
155-165 figs.1-3,
Imajima Hartman 1964
- Nerinides yamaguchii ヤマグチスピオ
岡田ら 1965
516 fig.94.
- Scolelepis (Nerinides) yamaguchii
今島 1988
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) yamaguchii
Imajima 1992
25-26 fig.17.
- Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) yamaguchii ヤマグチスピオ
今島 1996
242 fig.193.
Blake, James A. 1983
Polychaetes of the family Spionidae from South America, Antarctica, and adjascent seas and islands.
Biology of the Antarctic Seas, XIV. Antarctic Research Series, 39: 205-288.
Foster, Nancy Marie 1971
Spionidae (Polychaeta) of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
Studies on the fauna Curacao and other Caribbean Islands, 36(129): 1-183.
Imajima, Minoru 1959
A description of a new species of the Spionidae (Polychaeta),
Nerinides yamaguchii n. sp. with notes on its development.
Jour. Hokkaido Gakugei Univ., 10(1): 155-165.
Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964
The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan. (2 volumes)
Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, 26. University of Southern California Press. pp.452.
今島 実 1988
石狩湾の多毛環虫類. 国立科学博物館専報, (21): 124-129.
Imajima, Minoru 1992
Spionidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Japan. VIII. The genus Scolelepis.
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, ser. A, 18(1): 1-34.
今島 実 1996
環形動物 多毛類. 株式会社生物研究社. pp.530.
岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965
新日本動物図鑑 [3 volumes]. 北隆館.
Okuda, Shiro 1937
Spioniform polychaetes from Japan.
Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. 6, Zool., 5(3): 217-254.