Amage Malmgren 1866

環形動物門 多毛綱 定在亜綱 溝副触手下綱 フサゴカイ目 フサゴカイ亜目 カザリゴカイ科 Ampharetinae

  1. ?Amage adspersa (Grube 1863)
  2. Sabellides adspersa
    Grube 1863 57-58 pl.6.2.
    Amage cf. adspersa
    Reuscher et al. 2015 1106-1107 figs.1A-H, 13A: Sagami Bay 100-111m, 1122 table 1, Reuscher 2015 5.
  3. Amage arieticornuta Moore 1923
  4. Amage arieticornuta
    Holthe 1984 84, type locality California, Imajima 2006 Sagami Bay.
  5. Amage asiaticus Uschakov 1955
  6. Amage asiaticus
  7. Amage auricula Malmgren 1866
  8. Amage auricula
    Marenzeller 1884, Enoshima 100 fms, Hessle 1917, Japan, Imajima Hartman 1964 330, Horikoshi 1970 Sagami Bay, Holthe 1984 84, type locality Swedish west, Imajima 1997 209-210, Suruga Bay 500-900m, Kluijver et al. 2000 figs., North Atlantic, Imajima 2006 Sagami Bay, Reuscher 2015 5. Reuscher et al. 2016 777-778 table 1.
    Amage auricula アマゲゴカイ
    岡田ら 1965 526 fig.135, 本州中部以南, 北大西洋, 北極海, 内田 1979 203 fig.689.
    Amage abiater
    Reuscher et al. 2015 1122 table 1.
  9. Amage delus (Chamberlin 1919)
  10. Amage delus
    Reuscher et al. 2015 1122 table 1. Reuscher 2015 5.
  11. Amage ehlersi Reuscher Fiege & Imajima 2015
  12. Amage ehlersi
    Reuscher 2015 5, Reuscher et al. 2015 1107-1109 figs.2A-H, 13B: off Kashima-nada 197-206m 29-36m, Suruga Bay 245-315m, 1122 table 1.
  13. Amage imajimai Reuscher 2015
  14. Amage imajimai
    Reuscher 2015 1-7 fig.1A-G: Sagami Bay 990-1060m.
  15. Amage longitorus Reuscher Fiege & Imajima 2015
  16. Amage longitorus
    Reuscher et al. 2015 1109-1110 figs.3A-G, 13C: off Shimokita 2879-3016m 2889-2995m, Sagami Sea 1060-990m, 1122 table 1. Reuscher 2015 5.
  17. Amage scutata Moore 1923
  18. Amage scutata
    Reuscher et al. 2015 1122 table 1. Reuscher 2015 5-6: northern Honshu.
  19. unidentified
  20. Amage sp./spp.
    今島 1968 94, Horikoshi 1970 Sagami Bay, Imajima 2006 Sagami Bay.

  1. Holthe, Torleif 1986 Evolution, systematics, and distribution of the Polychaeta Terebellomorpha, with a catalogue of the taxa and a bibliography. Gunneria, 55: 1-236.
  2. Horikoshi, Masuoki 1970 Quantitative studies on the smaller macrobenthos inhabiting various topographical environments around the Sagami Bank in the deep-sea system of Sagami Bay. Jour. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 26(3): 37-60.
  3. Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964 The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan (2 volumes). Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, 26. University of Southern California Press. pp.452.
  4. 今島 実 1968 相模灘と伊豆諸島海域の深海多毛類. うみ:日仏海洋学会誌, 6(1): 91-96.
  5. Imajima, Minoru 1997 Polychaetous annelids of Suruga Bay, Central Japan. National Science Museum Monographs, (12): 149-228.
  6. Imajima, Minoru 2006 Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
  7. de Kluijver, M.J., S.S. Ingalsuo, A.J.L. van Nieuwenhuijzen & H.H. Veldhuijzen van Zanten 2000 Macrobenthos of the North Sea, vol. 2. World Biodiversity Database CD-Rom Series. Biodiversity Center of ETI, Multimedia Interactive Software.
  8. 岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965 新日本動物図鑑 [3 volumes]. 北隆館.
  9. Reuscher, Michael G. 2015 Amage imajimai sp. nov., a new species of Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Japanese waters. European Journal of Taxonomy, 154: 1-7.
  10. Reuscher, Michael G., Dieter Fiege & Minoru, Imajima 2015 Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Japanese waters. Part IV. Miscellaneous genera. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 95(6): 1105–1125.
  11. Reuscher, Michael G., Dieter Fiege & Minoru, Imajima 2016 Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Japanese waters. Part IV. Miscellaneous genera - corrigendum. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(3): 777-778.
  12. 内田 亨 1979 新編日本動物図鑑. 北隆館. pp.793.