Amphicteis Grube 1850
- Amphicteis japonica McIntosh 1885
- Amphicteis japonica カザリゴカイ
Photo by Kazuyuki Yamada, collected material at Tokyo Bay, Japan
- Amphicteis mederi Annenkova 1929
- Amphicteis mederi
Holthe 1986
89; type locality Sea of Okhotsk 373m.
Reuscher et al. 2015
1122 table 1.
- Amphicteis posterobranchiata Fauvel 1932
- Amphicteis posterobranch
Horikoshi 1970
Sagami Bay.
- Amphicteis posterobranchiata
Holthe 1986
90, type locality off Ceylon 1000-1250m.
- Amphicteis scaphobranchiata Moore 1906
- Amphicteis scaphobranchiata
Imajima 1961
95-96 fig.11, Kamchatka 100-125m,
今島 1968
Holthe 1986
90, type locality North Pacific 16-2025m,
今島 1988
Sui & Li 2014
Reuscher et al. 2015
1122 table 1.
- Amphicteis spinosa Reuscher Fiege & Imajima 2015
- Amphicteis spinosa
Reuscher et al. 2015
930-931 figs.2A-L, 8A: off Cape Toi Miyazaki 164m.
Reuscher et al. 2015
1122 table 1.
- Amphicteis taurus Reuscher Fiege & Imajima 2015
- Amphicteis taurus
Reuscher et al. 2015
931-932 figs.3A-H, 8B: Chishima Trench 5565-5613m 5692-5674m.
Reuscher et al. 2015
1122 table 1.
- Amphicteis uncopalea Chamberlin 1919
- Amphicteis uncopalea
Chamberlin 1919 448-450 pl.76.5-6 pl.77.4.
Reuscher et al. 2015
932-934 figs.4A-J, 8C: off Sendai Bay 1398m,
off Kashima-nada 120-122m 280-295m 498-517m 690-705m, Sagami Bay 28m 24m 310m 570m,
off Hatsushima 699-754m 715-728m, Sagami Sea 815-1070m, Suruga Bay 550m 123-112m 306-317m
282-211m 252-270m 355-337m 290-320m 260-297m 365-380m 262-290m 435-590m 375m 247-227m,
Tomioka Bay intertidal, East China Sea 105-108m, off Mexico 1236m.
Reuscher et al. 2015
1122 table 1.
- unidentified
- Amphicteis sp.
Imajima 2006
Sagami Bay.
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Deep-sea benthic polychaetous annelids of Tosa Bay, southwestern Japan.
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Polychaetous annelids from the vicinity of the Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology.
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Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Japan.
Part III: the genus Amphicteis Grube, 1850 and closely related genera.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 95(5): 929-940.
Reuscher, Michael G., Dieter Fiege & Minoru, Imajima 2015
Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Japanese waters.
Part IV. Miscellaneous genera.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 95(6): 1105–1125.
Sui, Jixing & Xinzheng Li 2014
Pseudoamphicteis sinensis sp. nov., a new species of Ampharetidae (Polychaeta).
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Polychaetous annelid of Izu Peninsula. I, Polychaeta, collected by the "Misago"
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