Amphicteis Grube 1850

環形動物門 多毛綱 定在亜綱 溝副触手下綱 フサゴカイ目 フサゴカイ亜目 カザリゴカイ科 Ampharetinae

  1. Amphicteis japonica McIntosh 1885
  2. Amphicteis japonica カザリゴカイ
    Photo by Kazuyuki Yamada, collected material at Tokyo Bay, Japan
  3. Amphicteis mederi Annenkova 1929
  4. Amphicteis mederi
    Holthe 1986 89; type locality Sea of Okhotsk 373m. Reuscher et al. 2015 1122 table 1.
  5. Amphicteis posterobranchiata Fauvel 1932
  6. Amphicteis posterobranch
    Horikoshi 1970 Sagami Bay.
    Amphicteis posterobranchiata
    Holthe 1986 90, type locality off Ceylon 1000-1250m.
  7. Amphicteis scaphobranchiata Moore 1906
  8. Amphicteis scaphobranchiata
    Imajima 1961 95-96 fig.11, Kamchatka 100-125m, 今島 1968 相模灘, Holthe 1986 90, type locality North Pacific 16-2025m, 今島 1988 石狩湾, Sui & Li 2014 377. Reuscher et al. 2015 1122 table 1.
  9. Amphicteis spinosa Reuscher Fiege & Imajima 2015
  10. Amphicteis spinosa
    Reuscher et al. 2015 930-931 figs.2A-L, 8A: off Cape Toi Miyazaki 164m. Reuscher et al. 2015 1122 table 1.
  11. Amphicteis taurus Reuscher Fiege & Imajima 2015
  12. Amphicteis taurus
    Reuscher et al. 2015 931-932 figs.3A-H, 8B: Chishima Trench 5565-5613m 5692-5674m. Reuscher et al. 2015 1122 table 1.
  13. Amphicteis uncopalea Chamberlin 1919
  14. Amphicteis uncopalea
    Chamberlin 1919 448-450 pl.76.5-6 pl.77.4. Reuscher et al. 2015 932-934 figs.4A-J, 8C: off Sendai Bay 1398m, off Kashima-nada 120-122m 280-295m 498-517m 690-705m, Sagami Bay 28m 24m 310m 570m, off Hatsushima 699-754m 715-728m, Sagami Sea 815-1070m, Suruga Bay 550m 123-112m 306-317m 282-211m 252-270m 355-337m 290-320m 260-297m 365-380m 262-290m 435-590m 375m 247-227m, Tomioka Bay intertidal, East China Sea 105-108m, off Mexico 1236m. Reuscher et al. 2015 1122 table 1.
  15. unidentified
  16. Amphicteis sp.
    Imajima 2006 Sagami Bay.

  1. Holthe, Torleif 1986 Evolution, systematics, and distribution of the Polychaeta Terebellomorpha, with a catalogue of the taxa and a bibliography. Gunneria, 55: 1-236.
  2. Horikoshi, Masuoki 1970 Quantitative studies on the smaller macrobenthos inhabiting various topographical environments around the Sagami Bank in the deep-sea system of Sagami Bay. Jour. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 26(3): 37-60.
  3. 堀越 増興 1990 日本周辺海域のベントスについて. 日本海洋学会・沿岸海洋研究部会(編), 続・日本全国沿岸海洋誌. 東海大学出版会. pp.839.
  4. Imajima, Minoru 1961 Polychaetous annelids collected off the west coast Kamchatka. I. notes on species found in the collection of 1957-58. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 9(1): 81-102.
  5. Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964 The Polychaetous Annelids of Japan (2 volumes). Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, 26. University of Southern California Press. pp.452.
  6. 今島 実 1968 相模灘と伊豆諸島海域の深海多毛類. うみ:日仏海洋学会誌, 6(1): 91-96.
  7. 今島 実 1988 石狩湾の多毛環虫類. 国立科学博物館専報, (21): 124-129.
  8. Imajima, Minoru 1997 Polychaetous annelids of Suruga Bay, Central Japan. National Science Museum Monographs, (12): 149-228.
  9. Imajima, Minoru 2001 Deep-sea benthic polychaetous annelids of Tosa Bay, southwestern Japan. National Science Museum Monographs, (20): 31-100.
  10. Imajima, Minoru 2006 Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea, Central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 40: 317-408.
  11. 岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965 新日本動物図鑑 [3 volumes]. 北隆館.
  12. Okuda, Shiro 1938 Polychaetous annelids from the vicinity of the Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology. Japanese Journal of Zoology, 8(1): 75-105.
  13. Reuscher, Michael G., Dieter Fiege & Minoru, Imajima 2015 Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Japan. Part III: the genus Amphicteis Grube, 1850 and closely related genera. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 95(5): 929-940.
  14. Reuscher, Michael G., Dieter Fiege & Minoru, Imajima 2015 Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Japanese waters. Part IV. Miscellaneous genera. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 95(6): 1105–1125.
  15. Sui, Jixing & Xinzheng Li 2014 Pseudoamphicteis sinensis sp. nov., a new species of Ampharetidae (Polychaeta). Zootaxa, 3872(4): 376-380.
  16. Takahasi, Keizo 1938 Polychaetous annelid of Izu Peninsula. I, Polychaeta, collected by the "Misago" during the Zoological Survey around the Izu Peninsula. Scientific Reports, Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Sect.B, 3: 192-220.
  17. 玉井 恭一 1982 大阪湾におけるマクロベントス群集の季節変動. Bull. Nansei Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., 14: 55-69.
  18. 内田 亨 1979 新編日本動物図鑑. 北隆館. pp.793.