Isolda Müller 1858
- Isolda pulchella Müller in Grube 1858
- Isolda pulchella
Day 1967
691-692 fig.35.1.k-n, Cape; type locality St. Catherine Is., Brazil
Beesley et al. 2000
204-208 fig.1.112.b-c, e-f.
- Isolda (Isolda) pulchella
Holthe 1984
107-108, type locality Brazil.
- Isolda pulchella カギカザリゴカイ
岩瀬ら 1990
59 fig., 沖縄
内田 1992
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Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). 1-878.
Holthe, Torleif 1986
Evolution, systematics, and distribution of the Polychaeta Terebellomorpha,
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