Terebella Linnaeus 1767
- Terebella ehrenbergi Grube 1870
- Leprea Ehrenbergi
Marenzeller 1884
- Terebella ehrenbergi
Okuda 1938
Imajima Hartman 1964
今島 林 1969
Imajima Gamo 1970
17-18 fig.68,
山下 1980
Holthe 1986
150, type locality Red Sea,
Imajima 2006
- Terebella ehrenbergi ハナサキフサゴカイ
岡田ら 1965
527 fig.137,
本間 1968
Honma 1968
Honma Kitami 1978
岩瀬ら 1990
61 fig.
西村 1992
362, pl.69.9
今原 2011
- Terebella lapidaria Linnaeus 1767
- Terebella sulcigera
Marenzeller 1884, Hessle 1917
- Terebella lapidaria
Holthe 1986
150, type locality western Europe.
- Terebella punctata Hessle 1917
- Terebella punctata
Imajima Hartman 1964
Holthe 1986
151, type locality Japan.
- unidentified
- Terebella sp.
布村ら 2009
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Honma, Yoshiharu 1968
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Honma, Yoshiharu & Takehiko Kitami 1978
Fauna and Flora in the waters adjacent to the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University.
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今原 幸光 2011
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Imajima, Minoru & Olga Hartman 1964
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Sci. Rep. Yokohama Nat. Univ., Sec. 2, 16: 1-18.
Imajima, Minoru 2006
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沖縄海中生物図鑑. 新星図鑑シリーズ 11. サザンプレス. pp.272.
西村 三郎(編) 1992
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岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965
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Okuda, Shiro 1938
Polychaetous annelids from the vicinity of the Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology.
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布村 昇, 花岡 皆子 & 大谷 道夫 2009
富山市科学博物館研究報告, 32: 99-106.
山下 秀夫 1980
Bull. Seikai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., 55: 33-44.