Zoroasteridae Sladen 1889
Cnemidaster Sladen 1889
- Cnemidaster wyvillii Sladen 1889
- Cnemidaster wyvillii
Hayashi 1943
175-177 figs.36-37 pl.15.4-5.
Sagenaster Mah 2007
- Sagenaster evermanni (Fisher 1905)
- Sagenaster evermanni
Zoroaster Thomson 1873
- Zoroaster microporus Fisher 1916
- Zoroaster microporus
Hayashi 1943
171-174 figs.33-35 pl.15.2 pl.18.5 pl.22.6.
- Zoroaster ophiactis Fisher 1916
- Zoroaster ophiactis
Hayashi 1943
168-171 figs.29-32 pl.15.8.
- Zoroaster orientalis Hayashi 1943
- Zoroaster orientalis
Hayashi 1943
162-165 figs.23-25 pl.19.1-2.
- Zoroaster orientalis forma
Hayashi 1943
165-167 figs.26-28 pl.17.7-8 pl.18.1.
- Zoroaster orientalis ゾロアステル・オリエンタリス
岡田ら 1965
61 fig.186.
Hayashi, Ryoji 1943
Contributions to the classification of the sea-stars of Japan.
II. Forcipulata, with the note on the relationships between the skeletal structure
and respiratory organs of the sea-stars.
Journal of the Faculty of Science Hokkaido Imperial University, 8(3): 133-281.
岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965
新日本動物図鑑 [3 volumes]. 北隆館.