Hyperamminidae Eimer & Fickert 1899


有孔虫門 Monothalamea Astrorhizida

Hyperammina Brady 1878

type: Hyperammina elongata Brady 1878
原生動物門 根足虫綱 有孔虫目 砂質殻有孔虫亜目 シリブトドロムシ科(岡田ら 1965 44)
  1. Hyperammina elongata Brady 1878
  2. Hyperammina elongata シリブトドロムシ
    岡田ら 1965 44 fig.141-1, 日本近海から稀.
  3. Hyperammina squamosa Ujiié 1995
  4. Hyperammina squamosa

moved taxa

  1. hyperamminid species by 岡田ら 1965 (p.44)
  2. Hippocrepina indivisa Parker 1870 as Hippocrepinidae Rhumbler 1895
    Hippocrepina flexibilis (Wiesner 1931) as Bathysiphon Sars 1872, Rhabdamminidae Brady 1884
    Jaculella acuta Brady 1879 as Hippocrepinidae Rhumbler 1895

  1. 岡田 要, 内田 清之助 & 内田 亨 1965 新日本動物図鑑 [3 volumes]. 北隆館.
  2. Ujiié H.H. (1995) Benthic foraminifera common in the bathyal surface sediments of the Ryukyu Island Arc region, Northwest Pacific. Bulletin of the College of Science, University of the Ryukyus, 60: 51-111.