Agaricaceae Chevallier 1826


担子菌門 ハラタケ綱 ハラタケ目

  1. Agaricus Linné: Fries emend Karsten ハラタケ属
    1. Agaricus abruptibulbus (Peck) Kauffmann (1905)
      • [和名] ウスキモリノカサ, [英] abruptly-bulbous agaricus, the flat-bulb mushroom
    2. Agaricus arvensis Schäffer
      • [和名] シロオオハラタケ, [英] horse mushroom
    3. Agaricus augustus Fries
      • [英] the prince
    4. Agaricus bisporus (J.E.Lange) Imbach (1946)
      • [和名] ツクリタケ,マッシュルーム, [英] brown cap mushroom, button mushroom, champignon mushroom, common mushroom, cultivated mushroom, portobello mushroom, table mushroom, white mushroom, etc.
    5. Agaricus campestris Linné 1753
      • [和名] ハラタケ, [英] field mushroom, meadow mushroom
    6. Agaricus dulcidulus Schulzer 1874
      • [英] rosy wood mushroom
    7. Agaricus lilaceps Zeller 1938
      • [英] cypress agaricus, the giant cypress agaricus
    8. Agaricus moelleri Wasser 1976
      • [英] dark scaled mushroom, inky mushroom
    9. Agaricus silvicola (Vittadini) Peck (1872)
      • [英] wood mushroom
    10. Agaricus subrufescens Peck 1893
      • [和名] ニセモリノカサ,カワリハラタケ,姫まつたけ, [英] almond mushroom, God's mushroom, mushroom of the sun, royal sun agaricus, etc.
    11. Agaricus subrutilescens (Kauffman) Hotson & D.E.Stuntz (1938)
      • [英] wine-colored agaricus
  2. Coprinus Persoon 1797 ササクレヒトヨタケ属
    1. Coprinus comatus (O.F.Müller) Gray 1797
      • [和名] ササクレヒトヨタケ, [英] common ink cap, lawyer's wig, shaggy ink cap, shaggy mane