Poecilochaetus Claparède in Ehlers 1875
- Poecilochaetus bifurcatus Imajima 1989
- Poecilochaetus bifurcatus
Imajima 1989
99-102 figs.20-21.
- Poecilochaetus bifurcatus フタマタトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
472-473 fig.197.
- Poecilochaetus clavatus Imajima 1989
- Poecilochaetus clavatus
Imajima 1989
91-94 figs.15-16.
- Poecilochaetus branchiatus
Miura 1989
9-13 figs.1-3.
- Poecilochaetus clavatus クマデトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
474-475 fig.198.
- Poecilochaetus elongatus Imajima 1989
- Poecilochaetus elongatus
Imajima 1989
78-81 figs.8-10.
- Poecilochaetus elongatus カザリトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
476-477 fig.199.
- Poecilochaetus granulatus Imajima 1989
- Poecilochaetus granulatus
Imajima 1989
94-99 figs.17-19.
- Poecilochaetus granulatus コブトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
478-479 fig.200.
- Poecilochaetus ishikariensis Imajima 1989
- Poecilochaetus ishikariensis
Imajima 1989
87-91 figs.13-14.
- Poecilochaetus ishikariensis イシカリトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
471 fig.196.
- ? Poecilochaetus ishikariensis
Photo by Kazuyuki Yamada, collected material at Sashiki, Okinawa, Japan
- Poecilochaetus japonicus Kitamori 1965
- Poecilochaetus japonicus
Kitamori 1965
42-43 fig.1.
- Poecilochaetus japonicus ニホントックリゴカイ
今島 2001
471 fig.196.
- Poecilochaetus koshikiensis Miura 1988
- Poecilochaetus koshikiensis
Miura 1988
671-675 figs.1-3.
- Poecilochaetus koshikiensis コシキトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
482-483 fig.202.
- Poecilochaetus magnus Imajima 1989
- Poecilochaetus magnus
Imajima 1989
81-87 figs.11-12.
- Poecilochaetus toyoshiomarae
Miura 1989
13-18 figs.3-5.
- Poecilochaetus magnus ダイミョウトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
484-485 fig.203.
- Poecilochaetus tokyoensis Imajima 1989
- Poecilochaetus tokyoensis
Imajima 1989
74-78 figs.6-7.
- Poecilochaetus tokyoensis トウキョウトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
486-487 fig.204.
- Poecilochaetus trilobatus Imajima 1989
- Poecilochaetus trilobatus
Imajima 1989
68-74 figs.4-5.
- Poecilochaetus trilobatus ノボリトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
488-489 fig.205.
- Poecilochaetus tropicus Okuda 1937
- Poecilochaetus tropicus
Okuda 1937
260, 262, 294-296 figs.39-40,
Kitamori 1965
Imajima 1989
63-68 figs.2-3.
- Poecilochaetus tropicus ミナミトックリゴカイ
今島 2001
490-491 fig.206.
Imajima, Minoru 1989
Poecilochaetidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Japan.
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, ser. A, 15(2): 61-103.
今島 実 2001
環形動物 多毛類 II. 株式会社生物研究社. pp.542.
Kitamori, Ryonosuke 1965
Two new species of rate families, Disomidae and Paralacydoniidae (Annelida: Polychaeta).
Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., 44: 41-44.
Miura, Tomoyuki 1988
Poecilochaetus koshikiensis, a new polychaete species from Shimo-Koshiki Island, Japan.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 101(3): 671-675.
Miura, Tomoyuki 1989
Two new species of the genus Poecilochaetus (Polychaeta, Poecilochaetidae).
Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, 39: 8-19.
Okuda, Shiro 1937
Polychaetous annelids from from the Palau Islands and adjacent waters, the south sea islands.
Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 7: 257-315.